Blog Updates

You may have noticed this blog and my website look a bit different today. I decided it was time to do away with the overly complex, information overload that was my personal website in favor of a simpler landing page that links to all of my social media and my blog. I found I wasn’t updating the information on my website and I figured I might as well just use the services I already have for things like listing my experience (LinkedIn) and enumerating my projects (github).


This means a few things for the future (and past) of this blog.

First, I’m planning on creating content a lot more frequently than before. Without the burden of maintaining my website, and especially now that I’ll be graduating soon I should have a lot more time to write interesting posts about the work that I do. I’m also planning on shifting the type of content I write about to focus on cybersecurity and other technical projects that I do at work (if I’m allowed to write about them) and for fun.

Second, my previous posts are currently not archived here anymore (though I’m sure they’re still in a git history somewhere for anyone really interested). I’m planning on porting the ones that are relevant to my new focus over to this updated blog at some point in the future, but no promises that I’ll carry over my old posts about cooking, etc.

It’s not like I have a large readership at the moment so I doubt many people will mind the changes but as always, if you’re interested in getting in touch with me, please feel free to reach out on twitter, email, or meet up with me in person. I’m looking forward to having a place to write up the work that I find interesting and hopefully my notes and thoughts will be useful to someone else out there.